CoCo Brother Resigns From Radio One
“CoCo Brother, Jesus Baby”! That’s the phrase that has been synonymous with a movement that CoCo Brother made famous for eight years across the country. So why has CoCo Brother decided to call it quits? Word has it, James Fortune will be the new host during that time slot. We will keep you posted. Read his letter below…
It’s Been Great!
That was the title of my email Wednesday the 22nd Of May 2013 to a distinguished group of people in radio (CLICK HERE to read)….Ever since the end of 2012 I’ve been in prayer about what is next.
Now I know….
Continue to follow the voice of God! It’s the same voice I heard in 2004 – 2005 when I was in Hip-Hop on WHTA Hot 107.9 in Atlanta…. FOLLOW ME! Leave it ALL– FOLLOW ME! It was one of the biggest steps of faith I had ever taken. I heard that same voice on Wednesday, 8 years to the day.
When I look back at that day, if I never stepped out on faith, then I would never have been able to be used by God to pour into so many people every night with the love of Christ!
I never thought after being obedient on that day, God would give me everything I desired in radio! My goal was to be the first African American male syndicated at night on a mainstream platform. Syndicated on R&B, Hip- Hop and Gospel stations…. ministering the Gospel of Jesus across the country. No one believed that a night time urban radio show could be syndicated, this was truly The LORD’S doing!
I never leave a place until I have accomplished all I am called to do…. When I look back, powerful interviews like 1st Lady Michelle Obama for 1 hour, talking people off the bridge from committing suicide, ushering the presence of God into people’s car, home, job thru the radio. Walking and standing by our gospel artist during their toughest moments. Loving on Leaders/ Pastors through the storm. Seeing live and real miracles take place through the radio. People who were blind, now able to see…. Watching the LORD pack out arenas all around the world and seeing people get saved and baptized.
But most of all, we have blazed a trail for others to come and do what we dreamed and envisioned. The greatest compliment anyone can ever give you is to hold on to what you created. So I am very excited about whoever comes behind me because they will have an opportunity that at one point didn’t exist. My work was not in vain. I have only one desire left in radio. When I come back after this summer, I’m coming back to create a legacy that will outlive me. By becoming an owner, we will give many people the same opportunity I had.
But by far…. Exodus still touches my heart! It’s our youth outreach. Everytime we do this evangelistic outreach thousands of young people give their lives to Jesus! It’s incredible, nothing is more fulfilling and rewarding. That’s why I made the decision to leave radio as of Wednedsay May 22, 2013 until after the summer…. (CLICK HERE to read)
My wife, Joann, and I are committed to this generation and understand that if we don’t do something now, we can miss the voice of God in this season. We must go where He is directing us. This summer, through the Exodus Youth Camp, we will focus on disciplining over 400 youth from around the world to go back to their communities and implement change by impacting their generation. Our goal is to ignite a fire in them that will change their communities, churches, schools…. With the help of many TRUE friends and leaders, we WILL accomplish this task. ( Stay tune for more details to come)
The thing you learn in radical faith moments like this is, who your REAL friends are! Was it about what I can or could do for you? Or was it really genuine? Because I’ve been here before, I know what to expect. I’m very excited to see who my real friends will be in this season as Joann and I step out of the boat to REACH out for a LOST generation.
Here’s what you can do for us…
1) Please continue to pray for us.
2) Become a volunteer this summer . (CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION)
4) Get the word out! All youth leaders, get ready for an awesome 2 week camp experience that will be FREE to you! Registration is in 2 weeks-
My first day at our Exodus youth campaign office will be Tuesday May 28 , 2013….
Let me take this moment to say THANK YOU for your prayers, your love, your support. But now I also challenge you to walk away from it all to do the work of “the ONE who has sent YOU”! What is it that our Father God is calling you to do??? Give Him a REAL YES! For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36
Would love to hear from you personally, and thank you for your prayers –
I Love u Much!!! – Cory Condrey
Personal Email:
P.S. Remember to call in for Prayer on Demand (530) 881-1399 Access Code 693369#
Retrieved from JoAnn Rosario Condrey’s (CoCo Brother’s wife) website.