From day one of embracing his global mandate, Worship Leader, Eddie James has been committed to taking back this generation through freedom and hope and has never placed limits on how God would orchestrate this mission.
Eddie James’ international music ministry has been blessed to reach and impart hope to millions by way of several National TV Networks including, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Christian Broadcasting Network, The Inspiration Network, GOD TV, TCT and Daystar.
Eddie James’ mission continues to flow through his new television show, “EJM-Shift”, which launched Sunday, November 2nd and is directly connected to James’ heart and love for God and His people.
“EJM-Shift” debuted on the Phoenix, AZ station, AZ TV 7 Cable channel 13 and will air weekly, on Sundays at 6am MT/8amEST. The new show will reach this generation with a message of love, hope and purpose for living.
Viewers may also check out Eddie James and the “EJM-Shift” TV program on several internet television stations, including and
Weekly Viewers will also experience freedom and hope from the testimonies of guests on the show, who have been restored by the power of God. Along with inspiring testimonies, viewers will be invited to praise and worship during powerful “Shift” moments of music and drama and dance.
“Eddie James knows this a crucial time and feels a mandate to embrace the new direction the Lord has for him in this hour.”
Tune in and View-“EJM-Shift” TV program with Eddie James-Sundays at 6amMT/8amEST.
View online-EJM-SHIFT-TV
Join Eddie James today and share the good news of Jesus Christ and request the new song,“Go Tell it on the Mountain”, the perfect message, encouraging others to first acknowledge Jesus Christ as King and empowering them to share the news of his birth and presence in our lives.
Listen to “Go Tell It on the Mountain” and Share the Good News