Bishop Donald Hilliard Addresses Community Family Crisis
Bishop Donald Hilliard Jr. Addresses African-American and Latino Family Crisis |
Bishop Donald Hilliard, along with selected community activists and celebrity panelists, will engage conversations about the dynamics of fatherless households in America; particularly within African-American and Latino urban communities.
“Do You Know Your Daddy?” Wednesday April 23, 2014 7:00pm-9:00pm Cathedral International Church (205 Smith Street, Perth Amboy, NJ)
A thought-provoking town hall discussion will be an open dialogue to address single-parenting issues which affect employment, education, social behavior; but most importantly, the lack of the male presence as it relates to crime and incarceration.
This national epidemic today has statistically risen to an alarming concern for African-American and Latino communities. Pastor Hilliard is passionate that “This town hall discussion is not just an opportunity to voice frustration; its purpose is to determine how we can best resolve this epidemic.” We will examine and dissect the wrongs, and with open eyes, will fashion viable solutions to right them; with particular focus on obtainable options for job-readiness programs, summer employment, literacy programs, GED application process, HIV testing, as well as other major concerns within the communities.
Join us to share your voice as we seek solutions for the betterment for all of our children. Bishop Hilliard encourages you to stand and participate.
Did you know….
African-American and Latino young men account for nearly half of the nation’s murder victims each year and are most likely to be the victims of murder than their White peers? In January 2014, jobless rates for African-American youth has been estimated to be as high as 38 percent. In 2012, Schott Foundation for Public Education reports that only 58 percent of Latino male ninth-graders graduate high school in four years. Only 52 percent of black males graduate in that length of time as compared to 78 percent of white non-Latino ninth-graders.
Why does this exist?
We are asking you to participate in the conversation. Post your concerns and ideas of how we can best save our children, families and communities. Log onto Bishop Hilliard’s social media sites by simply clicking the links below.
The Man…The Mission…The Message…
Bishop Donald Hilliard Jr., is a dedicated man of ministry for 30 years; consecration in 1995. He created one church in three locations, Perth Amboy, Asbury Park and Plainfield, NJ.
Dr. Hilliard has earned several ministerial degrees, (Bachelor of Arts – Eastern University, Master of Divinity – Princeton Theological Seminary and Doctor of Ministry – United Theological Seminary) and he is a member of The Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops. Hilliard has also served as member of the Board of Directors at Somerset Christian College. Currently, Bishop Hilliard is an Affiliate Professor at Drew University Theological School – Doctor of Ministry Program.
Author of: Stop the Funeral, Faith In The Face of Fear, In The Grip of His Mercy, Church Growth from an African-American Perspective, and A Lenten Journey-Lessons Learned In the Wilderness and Pentecost: Real Power In Real Times.