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25 year old christian minister expands globally with new music and book project.
 With a serene face, Prophet Manasseh Jordan closes his eyes and opens his mouth to a melodic five octave range display of his gift. His voice lifts with powerful operatic intonations before his audience-who look equally as enraptured. The music is yet another aspect of what has been growing the young minister’s fan based, even as he sits at the helm of a rapidly expanding nonprofit, Manasseh Jordon Ministries. Having captivated with his riveting dedication to bringing people to God, Jordan has amassed over a quarter of a million followers in just a few short years. Gaining such a global congregation led the young Christian minister to rise to, and then surmount, challenges with an aplomb that is impressive for a 25 years old CEO.
His nonprofit MJM, houses not just his ministry but also operates community programs that support and financially assist youth. His outreach extends into group homes in Georgia and Florida; mentoring to kids who carry war stories of poverty and parental neglect. As well, MJM donations go to hundreds of church mission programs around the world such as Africa, Malaysia, and Korea. Taking his nonprofit into needed sectors, it has also been bridging co-payments for low-income mental health patients. In this way, Jordan is a progressively mobile advocate, with a passion for ministry that is at once reminiscent of reverends of old, yet decidedly in step with what is currently relevant. The proof found in how he is steadily picking up young followers-in an age where millennial parishioners are declining.
Considered a child prodigy, by the age of eight the Brooklyn native was born immersed in the ministry as the son of Archbishop Designate E. Bernard Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan. Themselves renowned for their prophetic worldwide outreach, they are among the first motivators he cites as igniting him to spread God’s Word. With early recognition of his gift as a discerning prophet; he traveled extensively with his father and Pastor Benny Hinn and before receptive congregations shared his inspiring insights.
These days, whether via his ministry, nonprofit outreach, or lectures and worldwide speaking engagements, Jordan maintains an active engagement with his supporters. He displays an involved presence via weekly TV broadcasts on BET’s Morning Inspiration, and on radio and social media-including Facebook and Periscope among others. There one can find comments from many who attest to his message’s life-altering impact, and find his is a global audience that is reaching back. It appears he is preparing that much more for them in return-from an album, to a book series, and various other projects to round out 2016. He has also cultivated his daily mind, body, and spirit wellness routines into fitness projects that he will be leading in 2016-17.
At the age of 25, Prophet Manasseh Jordon has served his people for well over half of his existence. Before yet cresting full adulthood, his ascent in the ministry has gained him respect for helping other’s with their life’s challenges-even while he faced his own. Rather than succumb to the statistical graveyard of young African American men who run out of options and into some trouble, Jordan has carved his way beyond critics and controversies to prove that coming of age is indeed possible. Within the first quarter of his life, Jordon has defied becoming yet another negative with something indisputably positive-a ministry and his talents. He is currently in the studio with acclaimed gospel and R&B producers on his first major LP, showcasing the musical side of his mission. With his commitment to health and fitness, he has also carved out of his youth a toned physic for a fit example of where energy, and a goal toward wellness can lead you. His wellness mission leads youth toward a fit temple to house their rejuvenated spirits. He recently Periscoped® his first day of workout with his professional fitness trainer and his tea of youth, all set to kick off his new campaign. With such personal focus fueling him, he is channeling that energy into a forthcoming coffee-table picture book edition highlighting fitness/spirit/mind motivation as well as a potential concert series for the album, the book, his message and his mission.



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